Club Penguin Eye Patch

Disney Club Penguin Series 3 Mix N Match Mini Figure Pack Sombrero Guy and Fiesta Girl (Includes Coin with Code!) $24.99 Black Leather Eye Patch eyepatch Cosplay Larp Steampunk Pirate Captain Medical Stage Gothic style Halloween costume. Spy penguin: Diving helmet, Tuxedeo, Night vision goggles, pirate boots/ black sneakers, Bowtie (optional), Eletric guitar (optional) and Red/black penguin Bounty Hunter: Puffle Bandana, Suit shirt, Backpack, Pirate boots, eye-patch (optional) and Red/black penguin. Posts about Club Penguin written by kiturocks and Sparky6464. Club Penguin Cheats. Club Penguin cheats, glitches, and more! Club Penguin, crates, event, eye, fall. I want 2 be a member ok. I want a red cape, red guitar, red hat, black mask, eye patch, red sun glasses, blue sun glasses, 3d glasses, rope, gold king crown, yellow sandals, the ghost sheet, black sneakers, red and yellow tie, puffle flag icon, pizza icon, canycane icon, musical note icon, light house icon, pink hat, black cape, blue cape, suit and i want to be frotegg. Cp Id’s Eye Patch 105 Cement Shoes (Never Released) 355 Black Cowboy Hat 433 Jester Hat 426 Winter Boots 365 Night Vision Goggles 102 Sombrero 441 Snow Shoes 301 Pink Hoodie 222 Purple Hoodie 224 Black Glasses 113 Brown Glasses 114 Quilted Vest 218 Sunglasses 101 Winter Cape 448 Turtle Neck Sweater 357 Bunny Slippers 366.

Rockhopper’s Back & the True Story of My Eye Patch

September 14, 2007 at 6:31 am9 comments

Rockhopper’s back & he brought the Eye Patch back! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Well now that everyone has the eye patch, I think the true story should come out. I e-mailed Club Penguin this a while ago:

:O!!! Rockhoppers not giving the eyepatch away anymore!?…… I think i need
a hug… I mean, I look so hard every time he comes, & now the coolest
item ever is gone? Who wants a crumby background? No1 looks at player
cards, they look at your penguin! I feel worse that the time i missed
that pin, or the time i read about the beta test party, or the time my
hamster died. I didnt know pins never come out again, I didn’t know
there was such a thing as Club Penguin in 2005, I didn’t know hamsters
arent good swimmers. & I never knew how to find Rockhopper… When I
became a member, I didnt buy a lot of items that are very rare now,
because I didnt like them, or because they were for girls. There are
so many things I regret…. & nearly all my friends have met
Rockhopper & theyll brag that they got the eyepatch & I didnt. I can
name 32 (thats my whole class) ppl that met him, but I dont want to
bore you. I even tried to log (hack) on as Rockhopper & then ask my
penguin to be the spare penguin that i hacked to be Rockhopper to be
my friend. It didnt work (by the way please dont ban me cuz i didnt
know i wasnt supposed to hack. i learned the hard way cuz i got
banned). One guy called Tylerhere07 met him 10 times, & the last time
he met him Rockhopper sed ‘Arr it be you me lad’. Ive studied about
Rockhopper, I saw so many videos on YouTube about how to hack
Rockhopper that I know every way off by heart (I never try then cuz id
get banned & getting the eyepatch doesnt work). I could write a book
about Rockhopper, even though I’ve never met him! Tnx for your time.
-T67yu Nm76

😆 I may have made some of it up…
This is what they e-mailed back:


Thank you for your email.

I apologize for the two separate emails that were sent to you, as I noticed this email after I wrote the previous.

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I am glad that you had a chance to meet Captain Rockhopper this time around! Not many penguins get a chance to meet the Captain.

Egyptian mythologyall about myths. Captain Rockhopper heard of your story, and felt that you were in need of the eyepatch. He took a look around in the bottom of his ship, and just so happened to find an extra one lying around! He sent it to us to gift to your penguin! This is a rare treasure indeed, as the Captain does give past items away lightly.

Feel free to email us at any time, as all questions are encouraged.

Waddle On!

Club Penguin Support
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😀 So that’s how I got the eye patch. But now that everyone has it, I don’t see the point of keeping this a secret any more.

Penguin Patch Price List

Now back to Rockhopper. He also brought some cool new stuff with him.

Also, there are more boxes in the Lighthouse.

If I meet Rockhopper I’m gonna throw so many snowballs at him that he’ll be jumping into a freezer to get warm!

Entry filed under: All, Club Penguin.

Rockhopper Finding Guide

As you know, Rockhopper is a Pirate Penguin that comes to Clubpenguin every couple of months. He gives free items out when he comes, and if you meet him you get a free backround (you used to get a eyepatch).

Here is a guide to find Rockhopper:

Rockhopper is slightly larger than other penguins, and he is very easy to spot out with his big hat.

He has been seen around Club Penguin millions of times!

If you click the face you will get the Black Eye Patch. He will not add you to his buddy list, but you can always add him to your ignore list to show that you saw him!

You most likely will see Rockhopper on a crowded server, like Mammoth, or Frozen. Below are some of the rooms is will most likley go in:

  • Coffee Shop (66%)
  • Migrater (97%)
  • Pet Shop(24%)
  • Dock(55%)
  • Light House Beacon(10%)
Who is Rockhopper?
Rockhopper is an adventuring penguin . He sails the seas in his ship, the Migrator, in search of treasure and adventure. He returns to Club Penguin approximately every two months with items to sell.

Before you try to find him, make sure to check if he is online first! To do this, try to log into Rockhopper’s account by filling in: “Rockhopper” Password: “Offline/Online”. It will say banned if he is offline, and wrong password if he is online. If he is online follow the steps below to find him.

1. Find the server, by checking all the most crowded servers.

2. Look for crowds were everyone is in the same spot, he will most likey be there, or will go there.

Rockhopper is a Pirate who visits the Island of Club Penguin regularly. Rockhopper sails to Club Penguin in a huge ship. During a Rockhopper visit, all players (including non-members) may explore his ship, which offers exclusive ‘rare’ items for purchase, and a fictional diary of the character’s adventures. Rockhopper’s items can be found no where else besides his ship. When Rockhopper is online he appears as most others except that he wears a pirate hat, and a long black beard which are not available to other penguins. Players who find Rockhopper and click to add him as a Buddy will receive exclusive items such as a background for their player card or an eye patch to wear. If you click “Visit igloo” it will take you to his ship called the Migrator. But, when his ship broke down in his most recent visit, it took you to the beach. You cannot be Rockhopper’s buddy or report him. You can however, add him to your Ignore List. Rockhopper has a red puffle named Yarr. In the month of February 2008, Rockhopper’s ship crashed. Here is an animation of the Crash:

Thus, created a new game called Aqua Grabber. The game is completed when all missing items from Rockhopper’s ship have be found and placed into a net. With the help of Agent G, penguins began rebuilding the Migrator. Agent G used many techniques including the Flare Flinger 3000, Machinery, and Giant Cranes. Here is an animation of the Crane G used:

Many Penguins love Rockhopper and search everywhere just to catch a glimpse of him. Rockhopper has a unique look. He wears a Black Beard, and a Pirate Hat. He always is wearing the Color Red. Here is a picture of what Rockhopper’s Player Card Looks like:

Club Penguin Eye Patch As Seen On Tv

Rockhopper is sometimes logged in as a Robot. You can easily tell if Rockhopper is a Robot or is a real penguin at the time because of the things that Rockhopper says. Robots usually say unusual things involving Pirates and the Seas. Here is Rockhopper talking at the Beach. You can tell that at this time Rockhopper was a bot because the bots are programmed to say Pirate related things. When a Moderator is logged on as Rockhopper they will say normal things and will send Post Cards if you send one to them. This Picture is of a Robot because it is saying unusual Pirate Related things:

About the Migrator

The Migrator is Rockhopper’s Ship which he travels to the Island of Club Penguin in. The Migrator is a large ship which was created on April 27th, 2007. The Migrator has two large Decks and many other parts. Here’s a Description of the Migrator in Picture form. It has all of the parts to the Migrator. Rockhopper is only on Club Penguin and can only be found when his ship the Migrator is anchored at the Beach.

You can tell if Rockhopper is coming by looking in the telescope at the top of the beacon. The Migrator will be sailing in the ocean if Rockhopper is coming to visit Club Penguin. The closer the Migrator is to you the closer Rockhopper is to landing and coming to Club Penguin. Here is a picture of The Migrator in the Telescope:

Where to look for Rockhopper

Rockhopper visits a variety of servers on Club Penguin. He usually visits the smaller servers like Brumby, Boots, Outback, Big Surf, and Ice Palace. He also visits highly populated servers like Snow Forts, Blizzard, Mittens, and North Pole. He commonly visits the servers on the first page of the USA Flag except for the Ultimate Safe Chat Servers. Rockhopper is very rarely found on Ultimate Safe Chat servers because he enjoys talking to his fans. Rockhopper likes to visit a lot of places on Club Penguin. The best place to check is the Migrator. He usually is found there but he also is commonly found at the Pizza Parlor, the Iceberg, the Beach, the Dock, and the Town. He visits a variety of places and servers.

The Best Tips on Finding Rockhopper

Here are the best Cheats and Tips on Finding Rockhopper. Use these while you are using one of the strategies.

* Check this site for updates on Rockhopper and Search Party’s.

Club Penguin Eye Patch

* Rockhopper is commonly at the Cove, Pizza Parlor, Iceberg, The Migrator, the Dock and the Cove so make sure to check out those places.

* Rockhopper may send you a card back if you send him one. Rockhopper has sent me two post cards

* Rockhopper is a robot 90% of the time. All the pirate stuff he says is programmed in his memory system.

* Rockhopper is not a bot when he mentions people by their usernames and Sled races with other penguins. He is usually a bot but if he calls you by name its a real person.

* There’s no key or way to get into Rockhopper’s room. Don’t say open up Rockhopper or bother throwing snowballs at the door. He never has opened the door and he probably never will.

* If you use CP trainer (Hacking Program) you aren’t Rockhopper because there is no free gift option on your Player Card.

Club Penguin Eye Patch Patterns

* Theres no way to be Rockhopper’s buddy. You can put him on your Ignore List though.

* Rockhopper visits many places so make sure to check out everywhere especially the places that I said in the “Where to Look for Rockhopper” Column.

The Three Main Strategies on How to Find Rockhopper

There are many strategies to finding Rockhopper but these three are the easiest. The first strategy is the Server Checking strategy. This strategy is by far the hardest and least reliable method. This strategy has worked for me twice though so it is worth a shot. This strategy is done exactly the way the name of it sounds, by checking servers. If you want to find Rockhopper it takes a lot of effort. You should follow the server guidelines I gave to you and search every country. Try to check the Ultimate Safe Chat Servers last because Rockhopper is rarely spotted there. Look at the servers and how compares to it’s normal population without Rockhopper. If it is much higher than the other servers around it, you should check it out. While going into each server make sure to check the Dock, Cove, Pizza Parlor, Beach, Iceberg, and especially The Migrator. Listen to what people say. They often give clues about where Rockhopper is. Always check where they say he is. Most of the time they are lies but sometimes they tell the truth and can help you find Rockhopper. Do not follow the people who say follow me for Rockhopper. They never tell the truth. Don’t bother reporting them. They won’t get banned for saying that. After you have done this if you haven’t found him log off and continue the process on other servers. You may also just want to go in and out of servers and check a few places.

Strategy Number Two is a really good way to find Rockhopper. I have found Rockhopper Four Times by using this Strategy. For this strategy you will need patience. To execute this strategy just go to a server and wait in a place Rockhopper likes to visit. I suggest going to a populated server like Mammoth, Frozen, or Blizzard and waiting in Rockhopper’s favorite place to visit the Migrator. Try to be patient and don’t leave your spot. Remember to stay by the computer because you will automatically be logged out of Club Penguin if you are idle for over 10 minutes and could lose your opportunity of meeting Rockhopper. This method takes some time but it is very effective.

King Penguin Eyes

Strategy Number Three is probably the best way to find Rockhopper. I have found Rockhopper Six Times by using this Strategy. In this strategy you have to find some other penguins who are looking for Rockhopper and start a Search Party. A Search Party is when you gather a group of people and search different areas in an organized way. A good way is to assign a certain server for a certain penguin to search. The larger the Search Party the more servers you can search. The more servers you can search the higher chance you will have to find Rockhopper. I will be arranging Search Party’s on my site so make sure to check for Search Party Updates when Rockhopper is here.

What to do when you find Rockhopper

If you do find Rockhopper click on his player card. There you can do a lot of cool things. Here is a guide of what you can do and how you can do it once you have found Rockhopper. Each Icon on his Player Card is assigned a Number. Read the Buddy Icon Number to find out what that Buddy Icon will do if you click on it:

Buddy Icon (Button 1): Click on the Buddy Icon on Rockhopper’s Player Card to receive Rockhopper’s Special Item. Rockhopper’s Current Special Item is Rockhopper’s Signature Background. Here is a picture of Rockhopper’s Signature Background:

Rockhopper used to give away a free Black Eye Patch. The Eye Patch looks like this:

The Home Icon (Button 2): If you Click on Rockhopper’s Home Icon it will take you to the Migrator. I don’t suggest to click this button because if you do you will be taken to the Migrator and Rockhopper may leave or the room may become full.

The Send Mail Icon (Button 3): If you Send Rockhopper a Post Card Rockhopper will probably view the Post Card. There is a good chance that he will send a Post Card back. It is really cool to receive a post card.

The Ignore List Icon (Button 4): If you Click on the Ignore List Button you can add Rockhopper to your Ignore List. It is really cool to have him on your Ignore List and is kind of like a memory of meeting Rockhopper.

Rockhopper’s Key Rumor

In the Migrator’s Lower Floor, there is a Dorm Room supposedly where Rockhopper lives while traveling in the Migrator. If you click on the Door there is a Message that talks about a Key which will open the Door or that the Door is locked. Here is the most common Message for the Dorm (Click to Enlarge):

The problem with this message is that there is no Key for his Dorm. Penguins have searched every where throughout CP and none have found it. I have emailed Support many times and they have said that there is no key at this point of time. Remember, not to try to look for it because there is no key.

Make sure to check my site for Updates on Rockhopper. I will update this page a lot and have Search Parties gatherings when Rockhopper is at Club Penguin. I hope this helped you to find Rockhopper. Make sure to follow the Strategies! They are a great help and will make finding Rockhopper a lot easier! Good Luck!

Waddle OnThere is more than just a room and a hunt. There’s a new multi player game as well! There is also more secrets about the pin.

If you read the clue rockhopper gives, it will tell you to visit the book room. Look in Rockhopper’s journal and the very last page will have his key. The key can be worn as a pin.

You can then go into Rockhopper’s ship. Enter the quarters and there you go. You used Rockhopper’s key.

Waddle on! ~ Bojab123