*insert Witty Title Here*

I was introduced to “real poker” in the summer of ‘99 (for those keeping track, I was 15 then). My cousin used to sleep over a lot and most nights consisted of just staying up late playing video games or watching movies and then going to bed. One night, however, after a late movie, by pure coincidence, my cousin found a show on TSN where it looked like they were playing a card game. At first, we joked about it, wondering how in the world they could show a card game on a sports network but, after the first hand, we were in awe. It was the World Series of Poker and we were hooked.
Over the course of the summer, my cousin continued to stay over frequently and we‘d catch an episode here and there but it was pretty difficult to keep up considering that, as far as we knew, it came on only once or twice a week at 3 am. Eventually, we missed a few episodes in a row and just forgot about it until we came across the video that would forever change our lives - Rounders.
That movie opened up my eyes. The game of poker and the life of a gambler intrigued me. I wanted to experience it. As luck would have it, right after the movie was over, we flipped it to TSN and we were able to get our second dose of poker for the night. My desire to learn the game was solidified. I didn’t miss a single episode for the rest of the summer. (Well. almost the entire summer. I went to Korea for 3 weeks where I had my first real money poker experience. Talk of that to come in my next journal entry.)
Right away, we started playing and we couldn‘t get enough. It was strictly three handed consisting of myself, my brother, and my cousin but, in this game, was where I believe I learned a lot of the fundamentals. The games became really competitive and the three of us were forced to find ways to improve. We didn’t have poker books (we didn’t know that they existed and probably couldn’t have afforded them anyway if we did) nor did we know anyone else that played hold’em, so we just went to work tweaking our games, hoping that in our experimentation, we’d find a playing style that would get us the win for that night. In this manner, we eventually learned a few important lessons:
1) Some starting hands win more than others.
2) Some draws hit more than others.
3) Bluffing all the time is NOT all that great of an idea.
None of us were really any good but it was a start and this learning experience would prove to be significant during my trip to Korea later on that summer. More to come on that in my next entry.
- Will

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*insert Witty Title Here* Book

You asked me things. I answered things. Luna also makes an appearance, and I know you want to see her sexy dot eyebrows so you should watch this video. Insert witty and catchy blog title here. Current Page: Blog About Open Menu Close Menu. Current Page: Blog About Laura Boemler 12/18/20 Laura Boemler 12/18/20. Download free gta 4 patch game arena software pc. Canon imageprograf w6400 driver. insert witty title here Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by idreamofalan, Oct 29, 2019. I'm 30ish, genderfluid (he/they) and gay.

Argh, Wordpress on my website is down, exceeded, what have you. And so, back to Blogger for a moment! But really, I don't update this site any more, so if you haven't yet, please redirect to my website blog (is that redundant?) going forward. Just not now, when I can't get onto it. Argh, again.
Today is HALLOWEEN 2007 -- and thus launches the Seven Deadly Sins Countdown to the launch of THE ROAD TO HELL!!! Woot!!! So what's this all about, you want to know? I will be giving away books -- not my own, heh -- for the next week!!!
Today's sin is..GLUTTONY. (Hey, Halloween candy rocks!)
Leave a comment about your FAVORITE sinful snack for a chance to win a copy of..
Winner to be picked at random tomorrow morning.
Have at it! And remember: love your inner demon!
Witty*insert witty title here* book*insert witty title here* book

Insert Witty Title Here Thursday, June 23, 2011. Fact/Observation: People really have a good time talking about themselves. Talk to a friend, an acquaintance. Well, kids, it's official: I'm going to be merging Insert Witty Title Here with Cat and Muse- and all posts from this point forward will be on my website's blog.